
Let Roots Cater Your Next Event!

We are so excited to announce that the Roots Coffee Cart is now ready to service your next event! 

Interested in elevating your next event with the addition of craft coffee? Our fully equipped coffee cart plus our kind and talented baristas are ready to serve you! We service weddings, corporate and non-profit events, fundraisers, and local events in the DFW area. Our cart features top of the line espresso equipment, nitro cold brew, and the option to customize your own draft latte! 

Interested in booking? More information is available here.

Collaboration with Operation Underground Railroad

We are so excited to announce that we will be hosting both local art & a documentary screening in collaboration with Operation Underground Railroad's local DFW chapter. 

Operation Underground Railroad exists to rescue children from sex trafficking through coordinated rescue and recovery planning. Learn more about what they do and where they work here.

Right now, at Roots, you can see and purchase beautiful works of art donated by Operation Underground Railroad volunteers - all proceeds go towards the cause!

You can also join us on September 7th, from 6:30pm-8:30pm for a screening of "The Abolitionists" to learn more about their efforts and how you can help. RSVP required here.

Join us this month and help us fight against human trafficking!

Summer Drinks Release Today!

We are so excited about summer, because in addition to all the fun in the sun we'll be having, we also get to drink these amazing new coffee creations from our team here at Roots! Introducing three totally brand new summer signature drinks!

The Coffee Palmer

This is the Coffee Palmer - a drink inspired by our friends over at Novel Coffee Roasters, but with our own twist! Think of it as a friendly coffee lemonade with enough zing and zest to cool down even the hottest of Texas summer days

Strawberry Cortado

Berry Cortado.jpg

This is the Strawberry Cortado (or Berrytado!) Its a blend of housemade strawberry vanilla sauce, espresso, and steamed milk, topped with strawberry sugar for a light sweetness. Its also available as an iced latte, if you'd rather take it to go.

Summer Cold Brew

Meet the Summer Cold Brew - this bit of iced coffee goodness is 12-hour cold brew mixed with our signature concoction of vanilla and just the right amount of sweetness.

Fourth Annual Buy Local Event!

The Buy Local Event!

Save the Date:

October 1st from 2p-4p

Every year, since 2012, Roots has been hosting the Buy Local Event - one day on the first Saturday in October when we bring together the area's finest ingredients, makers, and artists.

For two hours, we set up the shop market-style and allow you to sample your way through our community's finest ingredients inside, and then get some early Christmas shopping done outside on the patio, where we will have gathered local artists and makers.

Past vendors include Holy Kombucha, Dude Sweet Chocolate, We Keep Exploring, Doughboy Donuts, Grapevine Grains, Novel Coffee Roasters, Fox&Otter, and many, many more!

Interested in being a vendor? Just contact us.

Live Music No More...

It is with sadness that I announce the end of live music at Roots. While we have been enjoying the music of local musicians original material for the last seven years, the actions of performance rights organizations have caused us to have to cease our live music programs.

If you are unfamiliar with performance rights organizations (BMI, ASCAP, and SESAC), they are basically organizations that license the right to play copyrighted songs in public places. While we are totally licensed for our music that plays over the speakers, we are not licensed for live performance of copyrighted material. Instead of paying their prohibitively expensive annual fees (upwards of $1500/yr for all three), we opted to only allow original songs of artists who play at Roots. I have personally studied music business, have a degree in it, and know this to be completely legal.

Unfortunately, even though we are operating within the law and not infringing on any copyrights, these organizations continue to threaten lawsuits against us. Since we are a small business, we cannot take the risk of continuing our live music program.

In the end, the ones that lose out are the local artists that just want to get in front of a crowd. We are not the first coffeehouse in the area to have to stop our live music program because of PRO's threatening legal action. I am afraid that the places for new local artists to play are decreasing drastically.

You should also know that threatening legal action for no reason is called extortion...and its illegal. 

You should also know that we do not make any money on live music at Roots, but rather just allow a space for local artists to be heard.

If this topic interests you, feel free to check out the articles below:

Thanks for your support!

Second Annual Buy Local Event

As you probably know, we here at Roots are committed to using local ingredients as often as possible. With that in mind, last year we started the tradition of an annual Buy Local Event. This event showcases some of the best local businesses and invites you to sample your way through them in one place.

Saturday, Oct 4, 2014 from 2p-4p

This year, we are really excited about our lineup of local businesses. Learn more about them as you read on:

Novel Coffee Roasters: obviously, we are huge fans of Novel. This local coffee roaster uses only the finest specialty grade beans and pays careful attention to every step of the importing, sorting, roasting, and packaging process. They are simply the best! Come meet them, try their coffee, and learn more about their coffees.

Melt Ice Creams: first of all, if you haven't been to Melt yet, do yourself a favor and stop reading and head over there right now. They make homemade ice creams using only the best local ingredients and have fun flavors to boast like Tea Time (lavender + earl grey) & Apples n' Oats (oatmeal & apple). They will be sampling and selling scoops at our event this year.

Holy Kombucha: we've been serving up HK on tap since February and everyone loves it! Kombucha is not only low in sugar, but its also super good for you because its loaded with probiotics! HK also gives a percentage of sales to local non-profits, which makes them extra great.

Fox&Otter: these folks make some seriously amazing spicy-sweet pickles! Made locally here in town, these pickles are legit! Stop by and try them or pick up a jar to turn any hum-drum dish into something incredible.

Boopas Bagels: we've been serving up four flavors of Boopas amazing bagels here at the shop for years now! Made fresh every day in Fort Worth, these authentic water bagels are never frozen and dense with deliciousness. Try them out during the event, or pick up a bag.

Roots Juices: no, no direct relation to Roots Coffeehouse, but these guys press some great juices!  Each bottle has 3lbs of fruits and veggies! They are local out of Dallas and they are 100% awesome.


Upcoming Events!

We have some amazing upcoming events at Roots, in continuation of our Late Nights @ Roots event series. 

We are most excited about our Second Annual Buy Local Event! Last year, we set up all the Roots local suppliers farmers market style in the shop as they gave out samples, demonstrated the processes, and more for customers. This year, we plan to have even more local food suppliers out to celebrate with us and share their fantastic local products.

The lineup this year includes: Holy Kombucha, Novel Coffee Roasters, Fox+Otter, Roots Juices, Stir Crazy Bakery, and more! Don't miss this event - it will be October 4th from 2pm-4pm.